This is a real tradition now, isn't it? But yes, for the third time around, you can read all about the classes I've taken at USC this past semester! I've had some really fun ones this year, though Fall 2016 also brought about that one dreaded class I just couldn't stand, so I can sadly no longer say that I've loved all of my classes at USC. Those bragging rights will be missed. But anyway, every cloud has a silver lining
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I swear it wasn't as bad as it looks based on this schedule. |
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. This class was just as great as I expected it to be, though it took a while for me to actually recognize how much I was learning. The professor is one of those people whom you either love or hate, but she definitely knows what she's talking about and was deliberately trying to get us to challenge her. It's difficult to put this class into a category, but if I had to, I'd say it's a mesh between art history and popular culture. We looked at more general art theory, religious icons, urban icons, celebrity icons, fictional icons, iconic photographs, the interaction between high culture and low culture, and ended the class with Andy Warhol and Walt Disney. And, of course, a field trip to Disneyland, with free donuts and a complementary stay at the Disneyland Hotel. The best thing about this class, though, was that there was so much overlap with CTCS 464, and that I could apply so much of what I had learned during my winter break trip to New York. Also, my TA was the best. 💕
Grade Received: A
CORE 103 | Thematic Option Honors Program | The Process of Change in Science: Searching for Life in the Universe: Mars and Beyond
Again, this class was phenomenal. The professor is the funniest and kindest and most knowledgable person you'll ever meet, and he even wrote us a song at the end of the semester, titled the Lowdown Irritating Melancholy Aggravating Life in the Universe Blues. And he performed it. With a banjo. We also took a field trip to the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab and had some crazy amazing guest speakers. Now, the first half of this class was mainly geobiology, and we learned about things like extracellular electron transport and layered microbial communities, which are sure interesting, but I'll shamelessly admit that I had no idea what was going on. The second half, however, was when things got good, and -- again -- although I definitely won't remember everything I've learned, I now sure know what not to invest money in (hint: don't move to Mars, it's pretty miserable there). Also, did you know that there are such things as orphan worlds, which are planets that don't orbit a star? And that there are places called water worlds and-- Okay okay, I'll stop.
Grade Received: A
CTCS 200 | History of International Cinema I
Well, at least I'm done with this class. The professor isn't nearly as bad as her reputation, but the class is. I don't even know how I got an A, as my TA was the harshest grader and the assignments were impossible. I wish I had gotten more out of this class than I did, but it just simply wasn't happening. It also didn't help that I fell asleep during pretty much every screening. Tbh, the only thing I remember from this class is that in China, they called moving pictures electric shadows. That's kinda cool.
Grade Received: A
CTCS 464 | Film and/or Television Genres: Shot on Location
This was such a fun and easy class! We watched films like Rome, Open City, Double Indemnity, Safe, She's Gotta Have It, District 9, The Fall (2006) and The Darjeeling Limited and discussed some really interesting concepts, like the opposition of centrifugal and centripetal space, heterotopias, orientalism, and Third Cinema, while also talking about the business of location shooting and runaway productions and such. It also helped that for our midterm, we basically had to analyze a Coldplay music video, and for my final, I got to write about my favorite of favorite films, Paris, Texas. Also, the professor is very friendly and an easy grader.
Grade Received: A
LING 210 | Introduction to Linguistics
This was a GE for Quantitative Reasoning that I started out taking Pass/No Pass and felt rather apathetic about. However, it turned out pretty interesting and I was doing really well, so I soon changed that P/NP to a letter grade (then proceeded to get a 77 on an assignment lol). But yeah, the professor is funny and friendly
Grade Received: A
What the future holds:
CHEM 205 | Chemical Forensics (GE, taking Pass/No Pass, apparently on the easy side, sounds interesting)
CORE 104 | Change and the Future: Church, Sex and State (last Thematic Option class, about the changing perceptions on marriage)
CTCS 192 | Race, Class and Gender in American Film (major requirement, professor apparently a little dramatic, but amazing)
CTPR 290 | Cinematic Communication (the infamous film production class simply known as "290," you basically make films all on your own and then people shit all over them)
CTWR 321 | Intro to the Hour-Long TV Writing (writing a spec script for an already existing TV drama, should be current on about 20 TV shows, none of which I've seen so far, so fml)
And that is all for now, everyone!
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