Yesterday, I turned 18.
I attempted to remove my birthday from Facebook to see who remembers it anyway, but failing that attempt, I decided to accept my fate with quiet resignation.
And it all went well at first: "Hey, happy birthday, congrats!" Press 'Like'. Write 'Thank you! :)'
And then, the people who knew better than that, and texted me: "Layra, happy birthdaaaay!! Loves" Write back, thank them. Tell them I love them more, because I do.
And then, the people who actually called me: "Happy birthday! You're finally 18! That's so great!" Thank them. Tell them they're the best.
And I was happy, you know! I was touched by all the kind wishes and the people who took the time to call me, and I was genuinely content, and that was when this happened:
"So HOW does it feel to be an adult?"
Because really, how do you think it feels? Because being 18 years and 3 hours old is SO much different than being 17 years and 364 days old, isn't it? Because I'm already sinking into the ground from all the responsibility that encumbers me! Because I'm already soaring into the sky due to my newfound independence! Because I'm already filling out lottery tickets and filing tax returns! Because you must, you absolutely must ask this question!
So, since you've asked, I'll answer, but I'm going to have to disappoint. I feel the same as before. My mom still makes my breakfast, my grandpa still accompanies me while driving, and I still break the rules by buying tickets to over-18 movies.
Oh wait. That's no longer breaking the rules. Damn.
PS. Is it even POSSIBLE to remove your birthday from Facebook? Is it? IS IT? This is important!
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