It's been a while, I know. I know. Tell me about it.
I know you probably think that I've grown tired of blogging, or I've died (thankfully not), or I've forgotten my password, or I've converted to the Amish, or I've decided to go on a strike to combat the Internet tax, but no. Although I'd be pretty proud if the last were true.
Anyway, you know what month it is? It's November! And what does that mean? Thousands of bad novels will be written thanks to NaNoWriMo! I am taking my last SAT this Saturday! I will have a Graduation Ball in 25 days!
I'm working on it, and that is why I'm not working on entertaining you guys right now, who don't even exist, I know. A blogger always likes to believe she has readers, though, so don't drag me out of my illusion!
I do have a number of posts lined up, however, including but not limited to:
1) one on senior portraits. What a disaster those are. Oh dear. I've even annotated mine using Paint, so I can show you guys how messed up it is.
2) one on college applications, and no, this blog is not turning into The Prospect, which by the way is my latest obsession. Nor are we treading onto College Confidential territory. I won't ask you guys to "Chance me".
3) one on grad ball, once it happens, and if I survive it.
4) oh dear, how shall I say this, I really ought to finish those posts on Paris. No comment on this last point please.
So, yep. That is it. Oh, and I might have had a slight shift in career aspirations. Currently, I'm thinking about becoming an admissions officer. To torture the youth the way I am being tortured right now. Somebody, please take me on a nice trip so I can leave UCAS and The CommonApp behind me. Just for a little while. I feel that they are taking over my personality. I feel that they are "Please elaborate on one of your extracurric-" taking control of "This section is incomplete" who I a-"What makes our college different?"
Erm...they're taking control of who I am.
You have marked this section as complete.
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